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Saturday, 9 April 2016

Chickens! Round 2

We had our new batch  hatch out today. Well, all bar one. That little egg is looking pretty lonely in the incubator all by itself.  I will give it another few days, we often have a straggler.

Here are some pics of the hatch!

The bigger babies are in their gangly, awkward teenage phase. But they are still oh so cute and curious!

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Catch up!

We are in the midst of Easter holiday madness here.

All 4 kids are off school, and we have been spending time as a family.

We went and saw the baby lambs at Broadlees Farm in Dover last Tuesday.  The children really enjoyed cuddling the baby lambs, and We even got to see one being born!

The chicks are growing well. They are at that gangly half-feathered stage where they look awkward and mangy, but they are beautiful nonetheless.

And I sneaked some more eggs into the incubator. They should be hatching on Saturday!

I've also been doing some fixing around the garden. Hubby helped me finish off the boarding around the base of chickenopolis and filled it with bark chippings. I didnt get any pictures of it though, because i was busy repairing and painting these planters that my parents gave to me a few years ago. I neglected them and they were really on their last legs, but now after new sills, a few nails and some wood treatment, they will last many more years!

 My friends husband has kindly offered to work with me at my allotment this year, as i am finding it a little overwhelming now i am back at work. He roped in my friends kids as well, who did a fab job of getting the place ship shape. I have these "in progress" pics, i need to get some better ones of how everything is going. They have been a godsend!

So what has everyone been up to over the holidays?

Easter Sunday

I know this is all said and done now, but the school holidays are a little manic here with 4 kids, so i havent had time to get this down on the blog. I thought about just writing one big post, but we have been doing bits and bobs here and there and it would be nice for it all to not get lost in the chaos.

There was a craft market on in Ramsgate, so The girls thought we would come and check it out. There werent that many stalls, so it didnt take us very long. We had paid 90 minutes parking, so what else could we do?

 Ye Olde sweetie shop was open, so we got a bag of sweeties for everyone!

Then we took a walk along the seafront

 To the beach!

 Keira and Imogen were looking for shells, but it was too windy ad they kept getting sand in their eyes.

 "Its too cold!!" Cried Imogen. Her lovely big sis lent her her hoodie. Aww!

I think that walk tired her out!

How was your Easter?