The sun is shining, the birds are singing. The boys, surprisingly ARENT whining!
I'll be off down the allotment then!
I hope the council have got off their backsides and had the water supply turned on at the allotments, because i have some rather dry seedlings at the moment that may die soon if they dont get a drink! My father has kindly lent me a rolling camping watter butt that i will be using to take some water from home with me, and (unusually for me) I am praying for some rain (lots of rain!) to fill the parched water butts on my plot.
Bed 3 is almost dug over, i will finish that today and rake it over, ready for planting. Legumes i think in bed 3 this year. I will have to check my planner.
The weeds are taking over at the moment, as they are prone to do. Every time i go down i spend half my time digging, and the other half weeding. Its a rare opportunity to actually plant anything!!
What are you doing today?